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As I gather my thoughts to say my personal good-bye to LADDIE'S MONTE RAY, I'm going to jot down his story as I know it.

"RAY" was foaled at Elmo, Montana on May 22, 1968, on the property of Pearl Tompkins. Ray's dam was the pretty champagne mare GOLDEN GOLD CLORY and he was the first foal by Peral's stallion MONTANA LADDIE. RAY was named for Pearl's two veterinarians that she used for her horses, Dr. Ray Read and Dr. Ray Keyser.

RAY was purchased from Pearl as a yearling by Allan and Shirley Ball of Kindersley, Saskatchewan. I don't know much of his story from this time but I was told that he sired some Walking Ponies and, of coarse, PRAIRIE BREEZE (Chinook), the stallion that would work so well for Jack Champman at Stettler, Alberta.

Mr. Ellwood Smith, now of Donalda, Alberta, purchased RAY from the Balls on December 24, 1973. Ray sired most of his foals at this time. It was during this period that he sired KARY'S JEEERS, and many times Alberta Produced of Dam winner, SUNDAY BREEZE. These horses have become well known in their own right.

Ray made one more move - that being to our farm in June of 1977. The first few years we had him we did everything with him. He was shown some, and in the process was named Grand Champion Tennessee Walker at the 1980 Lloydminster show. We certainly were proud of this beautiful horse. RAY was beautiful in every sense - he had a gentle nature and would do anything you asked. His biggest phobia was needles, he hated getting his needles!

RAY was retired from the show ring and was used exclusively for breeding. He would occasionally be brought out, curried and saddled up to give someone a taste of the "Glide Ride", and he could do it in style. A wonderful stallion that anyone could ride any time.

RAY was fat and sassy when he took sick. He was so kind and willing; that is what made his fate so hard to accept. RAY died of a twisted intestine April 16, 1989.

In his last years RAY gave us some extraordinary foals, fillies mostly. We have a daughter of RAY and the late LITTLE TOOT WILSON that we couldn't part with for anything. RAY also gave us a pinto mare MONTERAY GOLD, that will become head harem girl for our pinto stallion DRESSED FOR SUCCESS.

Horses come and go but in our hearts there will never be anoher LADDIE'S MONTE RAY. We have his son, MONTERAY CAPTAIN, to carry on his line, but he has mighty big shoes to fill.

RAY lies at rest with some of his mares. It will take the passage of time to dim the memories of this very special stallion
Good-bye RAY

Jo-Anne McDonald
McDonald Farms


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Website Created: October 13, 2002 / Last Update: January 29, 2004
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